President of the Council of The Photographic Society of Macao KUOK Keng Man
“The colours of lotus leaves and maidens’ dresses are indistinguishable. To either side of their faces the lotus flowers blossom. They fuse into the pond and vanish from sight, with only their song revealing they are coming near.” What poet Wang Changling depicts in the “Song of Lotus Picking” in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty is a wonderful portrayal of lotus picking. Nevertheless, the poet does not illustrate the maidens on the scene but allows them to be merged in lotus flowers and faintly discernible in the wondrously alluring imagery. Dr. Amy Pang Lai Man’s representation of lotus flowers is coincidently similar to Wang’s poem. She introduces viewers to the poetic world of the lotus flowers by playing with authenticity and virtual representation, colour intensity and composition.
As British critic John Berger states in “Ways of Seeing”, “The photographer’s way of seeing is reflected in his choice of subject. The painter’s way of seeing is reconstituted by the marks he makes on canvas or paper.” In light of this, the ways of creating photos and paintings are essentially different. Yet as both photography and painting are regarded as visual arts nowadays and they both convey the relationship between viewers and reality with visual images, the two genres share a certain consistency. Dr. Pang’s works demonstrate the beauty of lotus flower alongside the poetic and picturesque elegance of lotus pond through the integration of photography and painting, conveying the female artist’s delicate feelings towards images, which are admirable and amazing.
It is our honour to host the photographic and arts exhibition Chemed on “Lotus Rendezvous” by Dr. Amy Pang Lai Man, a medical practitioner, Chairperson of the Hong Kong Medical Association Photographic Society, and within the top ten listings in International Salon of Photography, in the Exhibition Gallery of The Taipa Houses-Museum. Her photographic works and paintings on the theme of lotus will be showcased, and “Lotus Rendezvous – Art Works of Amy Pang ” will also be published on this occasion. I would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Amy Pang Lai Man on behalf of The Photographic Society of Macao, and wish her every success throughout her art career.
澳門攝影學會會員大會主席 郭敬文
「荷葉羅裙一色裁,芙蓉向臉兩邊開,亂入池中看不見,聞歌始覺有人來。」 盛唐詩人王昌齡在《採蓮曲》中所描寫的是一幅美妙的採蓮圖,但詩人並不正面描寫,自始至終沒有讓採蓮少女們在畫面上出現,而是讓她們在荷花叢中,若隱若現,若有若無,引人遐想的優美意境。 彭麗雯醫生的荷花作品表現手法有著異曲同工之妙,作者以虛實、光色、構圖,引領觀賞者進入其詩意般的荷花世界。
英國藝評家約翰·伯格( John Berger)在《觀看的方式》(Ways of Seeing)中提到:「攝影師的觀看方式,反映他對題材的選擇,而畫家的觀看方式,是在畫布或畫紙上留下記號,重新組合後的陳述。」由此看來,攝影與繪畫在創作的方式上往往有本質的差異,但現今攝影與繪畫同被視作視覺藝術,均以影像向觀賞者表達與現實世界的關係,兩者又有共通之處。 彭醫生作品以攝影及繪畫 跨界的方式展現荷花的美態以及荷塘如詩似畫的清 雅,表達出女性藝術家對 影像的細膩情懷,十分難得,令人讚嘆。
本會有幸邀得香港執業醫 生、香港醫學會攝影會會長、世界沙龍攝影十傑、彭麗雯醫生,於龍環葡韻展覽廳,舉行「映荷影」彭麗雯藝影展,展出彭醫生精心創作之以荷花為 題的攝影及繪畫作品, 並出版《映荷影―彭麗雯藝影集》,本人謹代表澳門攝影學會表示謝意並 致以衷心祝賀,更願彭麗雯醫生在藝術創作路上 繼續前行。
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